Monday, March 18, 2013

Week #2 - Monday

Today was a day where a little bit of worry crept in.  I know this job search won't and probably shouldn't be over in a week but it is difficult for me to sit still this long.  I get a little stir crazy all cooped up, scrolling through listings that are halfway interesting worrying that I may not be able to find that position that is a lateral or upward move.  I guess that's what the timeline is for though?  But doubt is a normal part of this process.  I've seen it in applicants I've interviewed and to be honest, I like a degree of vulnerability.  It helps me connect on a human level.  I've seen the other end of the spectrum too where the candidate is working overtime to project confidence and to me, that hinders my ability to get to know that person well enouh to make an informed decision.  Because after all, people hire people that they think will be a good cultural fit in their organization.  Sure, qualifications are the 1st step but the tipping point is likability.

Think of it this way; you spend more time per week with your colleagues than your family and loved ones so it stands to reason a hiring manager will take into account your personality.  If they aren't, you may want to proceed with caution yourself!

So to overcome this worry, I saved about 10 jobs from  LinkedIn query to mull over some more.  i also applied to 2 related to my management and sales management background.  Another thing I did today was read about a dozen articles on interviewing, optimizing my LinkedIn profile, Sales tips and another on general success tips. I've posted some of the better ones below if they'll help any one else out there.

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